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Fibrosis Is a Key Inhibitor of Lymphatic Regeneration

Writer's picture: Nina DmitreffNina Dmitreff

"Soft-tissue fibrosis is associated with impairment in lymphatic regeneration and lymphatic function. These defects occur as a consequence of impaired lymphatic endothelial cell proliferation, abnormal lymphatic microarchitecture, and lymphatic fibrosis."


"Non-invasive and painless technology should, therefore, be of interest to lymphatic therapists aiming to improve the outcomes of conservative lymphatic therapy.  Historically, conservative lymphatic therapy treatments have consisted of treatments that predominate via offering positive pressure; a pushing force onto the tissues.  Compression bandaging, pressure garments, including wraps and chip bags, and massage, including manual lymphatic drainage and pneumatic compression devices, represent examples of positive pressure therapy and technology.  Negative pressure, on the other hand, is a newer means of offering treatment. Treatment can be targeted to specific areas, such as areas of radiation induced fibrosis and scar tissue, or the technology can be used as an adjunct to massage and manual lymphatic drainage."

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